Download Bel Istirahat Sekolah Mp3
Download Bel Istirahat Sekolah Mp3

According to research, the knee has nearly a six-fold higher risk of being reinjured with a previous injury while the ankle has a four-fold higher risk of being reinjured from a previous injury. Common ACL injuries occur even without the slightest of contact with other players. The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is one of the major ligaments in the human knee.

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Despite the fact that soccer has been reported to cause very few injuries when compared to other youth's sports, there is current evidence that suggests the lower limb, especially ankles and knees, are the parts of the body most affected by soccer injuries. It is common to have soccer players with injuries on the lower extremities, especially on the knee and ankles.

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Recent times have seen a rapid rise in the number of young participants in soccer matches as a result, parents are finding more time to spend around the sport in a hunt to become familiar with the injuries associated with the game.

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